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There is a trash crisis

AB EcoPark offers a solution

What is AB EcoPark?

AB EcoPark is a revolutionary recycling facility dedicated to saving tax dollars and protecting our planet.  


Our mission is to protect the environment, combat climate change, and create a cleaner, greener, sustainable future for everyone.

We achieve this through cutting-edge technology that maximizes recycling, reduces landfill waste, and generates renewable energy—all while fostering community education and involvement.

MISSION: Why AB EcoPark?

A New Approach to Waste Management.
The current waste management system is outdated and environmentally harmful. In most places, a large percentage of trash is incinerated or trucked to distant landfills. This system produces significant CO2 and methane emissions, contributing to climate change and polluting our air. Even worse, over 70% of what residents put out for recycling often ends up being incinerated or landfilled, with only a small fraction actually getting recycled.


AB EcoPark Offers a Better Solution. AB EcoPark will recycle at least 80% of the waste we collect, turning it into valuable resources instead of letting it go to waste. The remaining 20% consists of inert materials like ceramics, stone, ash, and composted soil, which can be repurposed as landfill cover or used in concrete. By processing waste locally, we eliminate the need for long-haul transportation, drastically reducing emissions and environmental impact.

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Environmental & Economic Benefits

A Carbon-Negative Facility AB EcoPark is not just carbon neutral—it’s carbon negative. Here’s how we’re making a difference:

  • Massive Recycling Impact: We will recycle at least 80% of everything collected at the curb. This includes sorting and cleaning materials that most other facilities can’t handle, such as plastics (types 1-6) and glass. Our advanced technology allows us to turn waste into valuable resources, significantly reducing the amount of material that ends up in landfills.

  • Energy Independence: Recycling is energy-intensive, requiring 17 megawatts just to run our machines. Unlike other facilities, AB EcoPark generates its own renewable energy from the waste we process, making us the first interdependent recycling facility in the world. By repurposing everything we capture, we achieve a carbon-negative impact.

  • Water Recycling: We will capture, clean, and distill 30,000 gallons of water every day—just from the trash we collect. This reclaimed water will be used in our operations, conserving local water resources and supporting sustainable practices.

  • Renewable Natural Gas: From organic waste, we’ll create enough Renewable Natural Gas to heat 7,000 homes—without relying on fossil fuels.

  • CO2 Capture and Use: Instead of releasing CO2 into the atmosphere like traditional landfills or incinerators, we’ll capture and clean it for use in industries like beverages, greenhouses, and medical facilities, replacing CO2 made from fossil fuels.

  • On-Site Greenhouse: Our facility will feature a greenhouse that uses captured CO2 to grow organic, pesticide-free crops. This greenhouse will provide affordable, fresh produce to the community.

  • Metal Recovery: We’ll recover 25 tons of aluminum and 25 tons of steel from the trash every day, ensuring these valuable materials are recycled instead of ending up in landfills.

  • Rainwater Harvesting: We’ll have a 2 million-gallon storage tank for rainwater, which we’ll use for cooling towers instead of drawing from local rivers or water authorities.

  • Self-Sustaining Operations: We operate independently from local utilities and services by processing all waste, including wastewater, on-site to achieve maximum sustainability. Our system is fully self-contained and interconnected, ensuring no external impact.

  • Solar Power: Our buildings are designed to be energy-efficient, with solar panels generating 5 megawatts of power—enough to power a significant portion of the local community.

  • Community Power Potential: AB EcoPark presents the opportunity to create a municipal power company, offering competitive rates. This means the potential for significant savings on energy costs for the local community, further enhancing the economic benefits of the project.


Education and Community Involvement

Partnering with Educational Institutions AB EcoPark isn’t just about recycling; it’s about education and community involvement. We’ve partnered with leading educational institutions to create a unique learning environment where students can engage with sustainable practices firsthand.

  • Learning Labs and Internships: Students will have access to cutting-edge labs and classroom spaces, where they can directly engage with sustainable practices. We’re also offering paid internships, providing valuable real-world experience in environmental conservation, aquaculture, and aquaponics.

  • No-Cost Educational Initiative: This initiative is offered at no cost to our partner institutions, reflecting our commitment to making environmental education accessible and impactful.

  • Sustainability in Action: The heat, power, and water needed to run the aquaponics fish farm, commercial fishery, and agriculture facility will be provided by AB EcoPark. This means students will learn in a facility that embodies sustainability and environmental stewardship.


Frequently Asked Questions

Will AB EcoPark make my backyard smell bad or be noisy?

No stink & no noise! AB EcoPark is designed to be clean, quiet, and carbon negative. Our facility will drastically reduce emissions, cutting the pollution equivalent of 120 diesel trucks down to less than three. Our plant draws inspiration from the one in Apollo Beach, Florida, renowned for its clean and quiet operations and even attracting endangered manatees. While we’re not expecting manatees, our state-of-the-art recycling center will significantly improve air quality and reduce noise for our neighboring communities.

Why hasn’t anyone done this before?

It really comes down to money. Building a facility like AB EcoPark has always been a challenge due to the immense costs involved. The advanced technology needed to efficiently sort, clean, and recycle materials is expensive, and proper recycling is energy-intensive. However, AB EcoPark generates its own renewable energy from the waste we process, allowing us to affordably run our operations and achieve a carbon-negative footprint.


How will environmental regulations be adhered to during and after construction?

We’re committed to protecting the environment as much as we are to building this groundbreaking project. We’ve partnered with environmental experts at EKI (formerly Erler & Kalinowski, Inc.) to ensure that every aspect of construction is compliant with regulations and sets a new standard for sustainability. With expert environmental oversight, cutting-edge technology, and long-term stewardship, you can trust that AB EcoPark will be a positive force for both the community and the planet.

How will AB EcoPark make my life better?

AB EcoPark isn’t just about helping the environment—it’s about making a real difference in your everyday life. By processing waste locally and reducing emissions, we will significantly improve air quality, lower energy costs, create good-paying union jobs, and provide unique educational opportunities. Plus, we’re helping combat climate change, ensuring a healthier planet for future generations. And with the potential to create a municipal power company, the benefits to the community could be even greater in terms of energy savings and sustainability.



AB EcoPark is more than just a facility—it’s a movement towards a sustainable future. We invite you to learn more about our innovative approaches and how you can be part of the change. Together, we can make your town/city a model for environmental stewardship and community well-being.

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